In spite of recently learning that: 1.) I have a suspended license due to not paying a traffic ticket that was issued to me over two years ago (nevermind that I sold my car and now ride a bike), 2.) I am going to have to start re-paying my school loans in 3 months without any 'you're broke so we'll give you a break' privileges, and 3.) I don't have any money to buy pants, the year 2011 is going to be AWESOME. Why? Because 2010 was a tidal wave of ups and downs and 2009 was an avalanche of shit. But I dug through the muck and swam the stormy seas, and while I have no rose colored glasses preventing me from realizing that life is still extremely brutal, I have at least been blessed with the ability to look forward, move forward, and press on without throwing in that god damned towel. I have made some amazing, true friends, I have learned what it means to be selfless, and I grew the fuck up.
So here are are a couple of reasons why 2011 is already looking up: I received a digital camera from the beautiful boyfriend for Christmas, and I made my way over to Comcast and set myself up with reliable Internet. What does this all mean? It means that 'Wrapped In Dynamite' is here to stay (unless I don't pay my Comcast bill and my digital camera breaks or gets stolen).
Moving along, I started off my new year as any 20 something should: at a huge house party. Being the new owner of a camera, possessing a ridiculous obsession for fashion, and having friends that feed my obsession through their wardrobe, I managed to snap a few photos of some peeps I thought deserved to be recognized for doing what I love: dressing however the fuck they want. I wanted to snap more photos of people at the party, as there were so many who's threads I was impressed with (Candice and Jen, I kept trying to track you down because you both looked smashing, but by the time I could, we all had a little too much happy juice in us to stay still). Anyway, I apologize in advance for the less than pristine quality of the photos below, as I am still getting used to the numerous options my camera has to offer. But bear with me, folks. I only recently jumped back onto the photo wagon. And I promise, if you give me a chance, I'll get better. Just like I did in 2010.
First up is Tiffany, one of my closest and dearest friends. She showed up to the party in fuchsia stockings, a boa to match (which she purchased on a whim for the occasion at a discount store on Telegraph Avenue in Berkeley), and my favorite shoe of all time: The Doc Marten. God bless her.
Next up is my adorable friend Kim. I don't really need to say anything other than this: I want to steal her coat, her shoes, her belt (and her beer).
Last, but certainly not least, is Aaron. The boy who made my photo taking possible. My nerdy and sometimes obnoxious D&D loving boyfriend who is also super hot and fashionable (when it isn't laundry day). Hell, this guy even looks cool when he goes to work.
There you have it, dear readers. My first post for 2011. Considering all photos in this entry consist of friends instead of pretentious Lookbook images, I'm pretty satisfied. Now if only I knew how to work my camera.