Sunday, November 11, 2012

Know your logo.

(Warning: If you don't like the word 'fuck' then you probably shouldn't read this post. Or my blog, for that matter.)

It's been awhile, readers. My blog has definitely collected some cobwebs and lots of dust. Let's just say I've.. been very busy (not really). More like, lazy? Perhaps. I have been jobless for the past two months and while one would assume that would give me more time to work on my writing as well as my blog, it hasn't. I've kind of been enduring an existential crisis with my free time, and that in and of itself has taken up most of my life (but we don't want to get into all that, because that wouldn't be any fun, now would it). There is also my tumblr (, which I am completely obsessed with. Yeah, sure, it might be the highest form of laziness on the internet, but as a photography, art, and offbeat fashion lover, it is the perfect place to collect photos. A photo journal, if you will. So, there you have it. I am a lazy admirer of people, places, and things. But at the end of the day, I have to write, even if that day has taken about 5 months. Which is a travesty because I always have so many things I want to say. Anyway.

I guess you're probably wondering about the title of this post. Cool, 'cos I can't wait to tell you: I am so fucking sick of 'logo girls'. Logo girls, you ask? Yeah. Those bitches who like to wear Iron Maiden and Slayer t‐shirts when they've probably never listened to an Iron Maiden or Slayer song in their entire life. Better yet, an Iron Maiden or Slayer song has probably been played in their presence, and they never even knew it.


So, yeah. I mean, I couldn't name you an Iron Maiden or Slayer song either, but I'm not going around wearing their t‐shirts. I wear Batman and Spiderman t‐shirts because I fucking love Batman and Spiderman. When I decided to steal my Husband's Adicts t‐shirt (because it's awesome), I made sure to listen to them as well so I wouldn't be walking around like some dumb broad who says 'giggle giggle, but like, I just like the logo, giggle giggle". Doing something like that gives the rest of us who truly love and appreciate the art of fashion a bad rep. People tend to assume that those who are interested in fashion are also kind of stupid (not true and not fair), and the logo girls aren't helping.

Fashion is more than what is 'current' or 'trendy'. It is not about labels and price tags and looking perfect all of the time. It is not about how much money you can spend at fucking Urban Outfitters, either (I refuse to set foot in that place anymore). And as I've said before, fashion is a way to express yourself. To show strangers who you are with a simple glance. Fashion is fucking beautiful. And when one goes around sporting t‐shirts when she has no clue what she's representing, she's a fucking fraud, and the clothes that are her palette are devoid of any real personality.

Fuck off, logo girls. Go back to the suburbs where you belong.

(I'll be back.)

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