Monday, April 22, 2013

To Leopard Or Not To Leopard?

Mmm... listening to my Le Tigre station on Pandora and the Peaches remix of The Bird and The Bee's 'F*cking Boyfriend' is playing. Delicious. I'm sipping some wine, chillin with my kitty cats, enjoying the moment at hand, and taking a little time to light some Dynamite. :P This will be a short post for the night. (In case you hadn't noticed) I really am trying to keep up with this fun little 'project' a bit more because it is important to me.. so some posts might not be as lengthy as others. Also, if ya'll have something specific you'd like me to write about, let me know and I would love to do my best! It could be fun. :)

Anyway, order in the court:

Some say that leopard print should be steered clear of altogether, but I'm not entirely convinced. I have a couple of friends who can make the pattern look AMAZING when mixed in with their outfits, but I've always been too apprehensive to try, because it can go very, very wrong. Like, Jersey Shore wrong. Or like, 'I'm 45 and can't deal with it' wrong. Or just plain wrong. I mean.. you know. And when I finally tell myself I'm not cut out to give the old leopard a shot (OooOOoh punny), I see the photos below and my jaw drops and I immediately grow speechless. Leopard print CAN be done, as Violet E. demonstrates like a badass (what else is new?). The most awesome part about her look? Her coat is thrifted. Sigh. This chick rules my world. Haha.

So what do you think, peeps? Yay or nay on sporting some spots?

I say yay. Ya just gotta have some gosh darn confidence in yourself. :)

(Photos borrowed from

Thursday, April 18, 2013

A Galaxy (not so) Far Away.

I have never been a fan of color patterned leggings, jeans, tights, anything that covers and hugs the entirety of the legs, because to me, even on the skinniest of the skinnies, these types of colorful patterns are simply NOT flattering. And what a shame because galaxy print (the new tye dye, if you will), seems to be one of the most coveted patterns to date (at least in my offbeat fashion world). Some of my favorite lookbook girls can be seen sporting the style every now and then, and when they do, I tend to shout at my computer 'but you can do better!' I mean, I know it's all sexy and shit to dig outer space, but a line has to be drawn somewhere. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE crazy patterns, wild bursts of color, and overzealous mismatching, but for the love of the universe, get it RIGHT. The problem with fashion is, when one person sees another person wearing something, and they like it, they automatically think they can wear it as well, not taking into account that maybe they aren't the same body type as the person wearing the style they admire. Not every style flatters every person, and galaxy print is NO exception.

Alright. Okay. SO. If you absolutely HAVE to get your hands on some galaxy inspired fashion, try to stay away from the super trendy looks, and opt for something that will last a little longer, serve a sensible purpose, and won't make you look like you've made a mess in your pants from afar. If anyone here can tell me when color patterned leggings or jeans or tights or whatever have been a good idea in the long run, I will gladly stand corrected. Until then, take a peek at my list of yes's and no's when it comes to incorporating outer space into your wardrobe:


(I am aware that my post is mainly addressing leggings, jeans, and the like, but this skirt has got to go.)

Absolutely not.

Yes. :)

(When it comes to swimsuits, all bets are off.)

I realize my opinion is merely an opinion, and you should wear whatever you want, but space isn't something to be taken lightly, especially when you're wearing it as pants.

(I take no credit for any images used, all are borrowed from google.)

Friday, April 12, 2013

Lil' B.

I've been on the steadfast hunt for the perfect 'Lil' B', also known as 'The Little Black Dress' ;), for a cool minute now. Don't get me wrong, I have a splendid black dress in my closet that my husband says is one of his favorites that I own, but I've had it for awhile, and I'm itching for a switch up, or at least a refreshing alternative (first world problems, shaking my head). Sure, there are a ton of black dresses out there right now, but none of them quite work for me. They're either too trendy, too matronly, too skanky, too boring, or simply not my style. So when I saw this little number awhile back on one of my favorite blogs,, (see below), I nearly dropped dead (not really.. but you know what I mean). The dress is super classic and versatile, and a style I believe could last in my closet for years. I think I prefer the way Olivia styled the dress to the original (also see below).



Olivia adds a tiny touch of gold sparkle with a combination of toughness (holla! Doc Martens!), whereas the original... well... she looks just fine. Aaanyway. I know it's pretty much Spring and that Summer will be here before we can all shout 'sangria!', but everyone needs the perfect Lil' B (or two or three or four) in their wardrobe any time of year (okay not everyone.. maybe just me).

(All images taken from and

Saturday, April 6, 2013

The Overall.

I've been seeing various style versions of the classic overall trending all over the internet for quite awhile, and have not really settled on an opinion in or out of favor with the very easily misstyled article of clothing, until today. My favorite offbeat lookbook icon out there right now, Violet E., wears overalls (seen below) like a boss. At times her 'too cool for school' attitude (I follow her on tumblr and Facebook as well) can be a bit over the top and somewhat of a caricature of what it seems she wants to be, but all in all she's pretty nail on head. Girl crush, for sure. If you can wear overalls like Violet here, you have my swag of approval.

Check out her lookbook:

(They changed all the settings on my blogspot editor so I couldn't figure out how to tag the link. If you wanna view her lookbook profile, copy and paste the link to your web browser. But then again you probably already knew that.)

Peace ooout.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Maybe the world is blind.

I pretty much just dig being me (to those reading, I hope you do too.. er.. dig being you). The palette in which I showcase 'being me' might vary from day to day, but the truth remains: Be yourself, nurture your mood, follow your stylish heart, and don't ever let anyone tell you that you're superficial or stupid because you care about self expression through your wardrobe. Just don't let it all control you. The fashion industry is a farce. The creative individuals who had/have next to nothing, and can pretty much assemble an amazing piece of outfit artwork from thin air, are the brilliant ones.. the amazing ones.. the talent. Not the corporations who rob this creativity, or the trust fund kids who buy from these corporations, steal these 'looks' claim them as their own, and call it 'ART'. From those who have long been expressing themselves creatively through the means that they have, the raw beauty they possess, the perfect individuality that they own: (I fucking hate acronyms... like, oh, i dunno, DIY) Keep doing it yourself. Preferably somewhere on a slew of train tracks with a couple of dogs and a handful of dreams. Ya'll are my favorite.