Friday, April 12, 2013

Lil' B.

I've been on the steadfast hunt for the perfect 'Lil' B', also known as 'The Little Black Dress' ;), for a cool minute now. Don't get me wrong, I have a splendid black dress in my closet that my husband says is one of his favorites that I own, but I've had it for awhile, and I'm itching for a switch up, or at least a refreshing alternative (first world problems, shaking my head). Sure, there are a ton of black dresses out there right now, but none of them quite work for me. They're either too trendy, too matronly, too skanky, too boring, or simply not my style. So when I saw this little number awhile back on one of my favorite blogs,, (see below), I nearly dropped dead (not really.. but you know what I mean). The dress is super classic and versatile, and a style I believe could last in my closet for years. I think I prefer the way Olivia styled the dress to the original (also see below).



Olivia adds a tiny touch of gold sparkle with a combination of toughness (holla! Doc Martens!), whereas the original... well... she looks just fine. Aaanyway. I know it's pretty much Spring and that Summer will be here before we can all shout 'sangria!', but everyone needs the perfect Lil' B (or two or three or four) in their wardrobe any time of year (okay not everyone.. maybe just me).

(All images taken from and

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