Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Wild Flower.

Picture post, just because. Sweet dreams, ya'll. On a bed of daisies, I hope. =^.^=

(Images borrowed from various tumblr peeps and vi0lettae.blogspot.com)

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Overall Strikes Again.

A coupla posts back or so I wrote about overalls and how they're attempting to resurface in the wardrobes of offbeat fashion lovers everywhere. And while it has been difficult to find a consistent GOOD example of the specific article of clothing actually working on someone other than an 8 year old or a teenage girl in 1987, there are exceptions, you just gotta know what you're doing, or not give a shit and just.. do it. Olivia wins this round, again (what else is new?).

If you love it, wear it, and wear it well.

(Confidence is KEY.)

(Photos lovingly borrowed from oliviaemily.com)