Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Super fly flea market finds.

Ooooh yeah. You know what that means. It means coming home after a fun-filled day at the flea market, sitting down, and breathing out a happy sigh of excitement, satisfaction, and relief. Does the feeling sound familiar? I experienced this euphoric bliss on Sunday, when my boyfriend and I decided to take advantage of the absolutely amazing weather here in the Bay Area and ride our bikes all around Oakland and (some of) Berkeley. Our first stop was the Ashby Flea Market, one of my favorite 'beautiful weather' spots.

During the visit I scored three items (not a lot, I'm a frugal girl): peacock feather earrings, a gorgeous greenish/turquoise-ish ring (my boyfriend bought me the ring because I loved it so much when I saw it.. such a fucking sweetheart!) and pink wayfarers. The vendor who sold us the ring told me it was 'old turquoise'. Hmmm... not sure if that's true but I'll go ahead and believe him because it sounds cool to tell people 'Oh you like my ring? Thanks! It's old turquoise.' You know, like it was handed down from my great-great grandmother or something.

Anyway, the earrings were a surprise purchase too. When I walked past the vendor who was selling them, the bright, vivid color of the peacock feathers immediately caught my attention, and I made a beeline straight for them. They are a little more unique than your typical peacock/any kind of feather earrings (you know, the ridiculously long frayed ones that eeeevery budding 'hipster' chick dons), and, well, I've always adored peacock feathers. Also, I felt like my more simple, casual outfit needed a kick in the accessory department. I thought to myself 'this is exactly the kick I need!' So I asked the vendor 'How much?' His reply, 'Five dollars'. Done. He had me at five dollars.

Oh and the pink wayfarers? Who doesn't love pink wayfarers? That's all.

I think this was my favorite booth at the flea market, if you can even call it a 'booth'. While I didn't buy anything from this particular spot, I was in awe of how beautiful every single item was. When I stepped inside it felt like I was in a different world.. or at least a different country. The way everything was set up was completely breathtaking. I had to snap a photo (or two).

This was where I got my ring! (I see you, ring!) Such beautiful stuff.. I wanted it all.

This photo doesn't do the color of the sunglasses justice. I couldn't figure out how to adjust the camera to capture the pink just right. Oh well. You get the idea.

So to all my flea market lovers who scour your little hearts out every weekend (or when your budget and work schedule allow it) in search of the perfect item to make your day a happy one, this post is for you. Scour on, comrades!

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