Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A Little Bit Of This, A Little Bit of Boot.

I'm turning this blog into an everything blog. You know, because, I don't want to be a sad sack of brooding angst and have a blog with depressing prose watered all over it. So instead of a post about how my parents are in town and have barely expressed an interest in wanting to see me, I am going to post about fashion. Because fashion makes me happy. More specifically, boots make me happy:

The on-going trend of the vintage/antique/victorian-esque lace up boot is becoming quite an uproar. Almost everyday I see little budding fashionistas frolicking about Oakland in said boot. And while yeah, they're pretty trendy, and yeah, you can easily pick up a generic pair at Urban instead of taking the time to rummage through vintage stores for a more 'unique' find, I don't really care. They're fucking adorable. They put a warm spot in my heart. I used to have a pair when I was a kid. I would put them on and pretend to be Anne of Green Gables. And now, as they grow popular among the indie rockers and hipsters and scenesters and whatever other-ers are out there, I gotta say, I'm proud of you, comrades. Even if you are just jumping on another 'ironic article of clothing' train. Hey wolf shirt, you had your turn.

BUT WAIT! I'm not finished. Now that I've expressed my adoration for the trendy but lovely vintage lace up boot, it's time to defend the Doc Marten. They're classic, they're awesome, they last forever, and they can kick your ass. I wear them to work, I wear them with dresses, I wear them with shorts, I wear them with leggings. I'd even wear them with my bathing suit. Doc Martens, my friends, are the winner when it comes to boots. Period. If my vintage lace up boots and my Doc Martens were both dangling off of a cliff, and I could only save one, the Docs would survive. They're just so fucking cool. And the great part? They always will be.

I know she's not wearing either pair of the boots I was ranting about, but she looks fucking rad. I'm going to beat her up and steal her outfit... (if she doesn't beat me up first).

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